museum of power

Museum of Power

The Museum of Power is located in a former Southend Waterworks pumping station that was built in the 1920's to house the three huge steam pumps that were required to send treated water via a pipe to Southend-on-Sea.

The steam pumps were shut down in 1963 after a new electric powered pumping station was built short distance away. Two of the pumps were dismantled and sold but the water company had the foresight to keep the newer of the engines in place. That engine is the Lilleshall triple expansion steam pump named 'Marshall' which has now been restored to run under steam power again after 50 years.


Lilleshall engine


Displays within the Museum of Power feature:

  • Steam, electric & nuclear power
  • Domestic power
  • Belt driven workshop containing a wide selection of machine tools
  • Various examples of diesel engines
  • The story of the Langford water works


Museum of Power

Hatfield Road
Langford, Maldon CM9 6QA
Telephone 01621 843183

Open Wednesday to Sunday 9:30am. to 4:00pm with last entry 3:00pm

Admission Prices (excluding special event days, Lilleshall Steam Days and train rides) Adults: £8.00; Concessions: Senior citizens and students (the latter on production of a current student ID card): £7.00; Children 5 to 15 incl £4.00; Children 4 and under: FREE Family (2 adults & up to 3 children): £20.00

Visit their website for more details.



This page was last updated March 10, 2024

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